Welcome to

Christchurch Carrickfergus

a church to come home to..

What’s On



Sunday Prayer

Sunday 10:30am

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday 11:00am

Kids Sunday Club

Sunday 11.30am - 12:15pm

Sunday Evening Service

Sunday 6:30pm

(1st and 3rd Sunday only)

ABC Tots

Monday 10:00am - 11:45am

Mens Group

(Snooker, Bowls, Refreshments etc)

Tuesday 2pm - 4pm


Wednesday 5:15-6:15pm

Contact 07854262552 for details

Midweek Gathering

(Fellowship, Praise, Prayer)

Wednesday 7.45pm


Thursday 9:30-10:30am

Contact 07854262552 for details

Wooden block with message about us

About Us

Christchurch is an independent evangelical pentecostal church. We will celebrate 50 years of ministry in ​2024. Christchurch has been located at our current church, in Oakfield Drive Carrickfergus for 24 Years.​

At Christchurch a community spirit has continued unabated. We work with many churches and organisations​ within our community and further afield. In a very unique way we have become the means of bringing many​ people together.​

We have a strong missions ethic and continue to work with many organisations around the globe.​


  • We believe that the Bible contained in both Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God.

  • We believe in the historic doctrine of the Trinity.

  • We believe in the incarnation: that the Son of God took our nature to himself: that He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a vicarious death, and that after His death on the Cross He physically arose from the grave; that He ascended into heaven where He reigns in glory.

  • We believe in person and work of the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of Jesus Christ, in the Resurrection of the dead and thereafter the final Day of Judgement for all men.

  • We believe in the universal sinfulness of man since the fall and that repentance toward God is necessary for salvation.

  • We practice believers baptism as instructed by Jesus in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

  • We observe a Breaking of Bread service.

  • We believe the Church is made up of those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of life. That entry into the church is through Christ and that believers share in fellowship and service together in the Local congregation under the headship of Christ.

  • We believe that the Gifts of the Spirit which the risen Christ bestowed upon His church are still within the church today.

  • We believe in the great commission that the church is to take the Gospel to the whole world.

  • Christchurch is a non-denominational evangelical pentecostal church.
contact us icon (phone, email, mail ) on wood cube, customer service and support on wooden table

Social Media

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Flat Youtube Icon
Facebook Logo Vector
Instagram camera social media icon
The Word "Give" on a Person's Hand


Thank you for your interest in financially supporting Christchurch Carrickfergus.

With our proven track record in Carrickfergus, and church planting in India, Nigeria and other parts of the world, ​We believe you are sowing seed in fertile soil. Your offering no matter how big or how small, is a real blessing, ​as we continue by Gods grace to be faithful to the ministry and vision God has called us too.

If you want to donate now via credit card or paypal please click the Donate button. Again we thank you for ​supporting this ministry.

contact us icon (phone, email, mail ) on wood cube, customer service and support on wooden table

Contact Us

Phone/Text/Whatsapp: 07968 722 989

Address: Christchurch, Oakfield Drive, Carrickfergus, Co Antrim, BT38 7SP

Email: info@christchurch.uk.com

Visit Us: At the following times

Christchurch - a church to come home to..